The Best in Class of Therapeutic Lasers
The Best in Class of Therapeutic Lasers
Light technology has come a long way since the innovation of lasers more than 40 years ago. Other monochromatic light sources with narrow spectra and the same therapeutic value as lasers—if not better in some cases—are now available. These include superluminous diodes (SLDs). As the name suggests, SLDs are generally brighter than LEDs; they are increasingly becoming the light source of choice for manufacturers and researchers alike. The light source does not have to be a laser in order to have a therapeutic effect. It just has to be light of the right wavelength. Lasers and SLDs, produce the same beneficial effects. Simply stated, light is light. The dose and wavelengths are critical. At present, it is believed that appropriate doses of 600 to 1,000 nm light promote tissue repair and modulate pain.
"Because laser therapy treatment has been shown to be cumulative, the dose from one treatment lasts sometime and what remains of the dose is added to the dose at the next treatment."
The Laser Therapy Handbook : 2002, Jan Tuner & Lars Hode
Now you can experience the convenience of phototherapy treatments in your home ibetween clinical visits.
Now you can experience the convenience of phototherapy treatments between clinical visits.
Patient compliance has a huge impact on positive outcomes. When treating acute conditions, patients respond better to phototherapy with daily to every other day. For chronic conditions every 2nd or 3rd day is recommended.
The MedXHOME is a programmable compact take-home phototherapy unit.
The MedXHOME console with its superluminous diode (SLD) cluster provides an appropriate dose and combination wavelength of 633 nm red light and 880 nm infrared-light.
The MedXHOME is a medical device in Canada. When prescribed the cost may qualify as a medical expense for income tax purposes and in certain instances funding may be provided by insurance.
The cluster can be strapped-on for hands free application, allowing unattended treatment. While treatment is being provided the console displays the remaining time. Once treatment has been completed the cluster is automatically turned off.
A maximum of five different treatments can be programmed into the System at one time. The System set-up is quick and easy and makes preparing for treatments simple. The System comes in a practical carrying case with supporting educational documentation for both clinician and patient. Health Canada and FDA cleared (K050022 – May 2005).
MedX Home Therapy
Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2019 Jan;37(1):4-16. doi: 10.1089/photob.2018.4512.
Gavish L1, Houreld NN2.
11 Department of Medical Neurobiology, Institute for Research in Military Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel.22 Laser Research Centre, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Objective: Perform systematic literature review on photobiomodulation (PBM) devices used at home for nonesthetic applications. Background: Home-use PBM devices have been marketed for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. This is the first systematic literature review for nonesthetic applications. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted for PBM devices self-applied at home at least thrice a week. Two independent reviewers screened the articles and extracted the data. Treatment dosage appropriateness was compared to the World Association for Laser Therapy (WALT) recommendations. The efficacy was evaluated according to the relevant primary end-point for the specific indication. Results: Eleven studies were suitable. Devices were applied for a range of indications, including pain, cognitive dysfunction, wound healing, diabetic macular edema, and postprocedural side effects, and were mostly based on near-infrared, pulsed light-emitting diodes with dosages within WALT recommendations. Regarding efficacy, studies reported mostly positive results. Conclusions: Home-use PBM devices appear to mediate effective, safe treatments in a variety of conditions that require frequent applications. Conclusive evaluation of their efficacy requires additional, randomized controlled studies.
Chronic Pain
Patients who have been discharged from treatment continue to suffer chronic pain.
GOAL - Reduce morning pain related to movement and exercise, help patient sleep through the night. Potential reduce in pain medication. Improve quality of life.
Post-op Hip/Knee Replacement
Patient has difficulty traveling to the clinic.
GOAL - Accelerate hard and soft tissue repair, decrease muscle tightness, decrease edema, inflammation, decrease pain related to movement and exercise, increase range of motion.
Disruption In Rehabilitation
Patient is unable to attend scheduled treatments (work, family, holiday etc).
GOAL - Continue progression of rehabilitation reducing loss of previous functional recovery
Chronic Arthritis / Episodic Flare-up
Patient suffers arthritis pain experiencing temporary relief from clinic therapy.
GOAL - Decrease edema, inflamm-ation, morning pain related to movement and exercise, help patient sleep through the night. Potential reduce in pain medication.
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
Pain and discomfort associated with muscle strains following new exercise programs may discourage patient returning to physical therapy or disrupt their rehabilitation progress.
GOAL - Reduce pain via effects on the peripheral nerves and/or speedy induction of the inflammatory response. (Effect of phototherapy on delayed onset muscle soreness)
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